Want to help make a difference?

We need you! We are looking for both prayer and financial partners to help God’s ministry transform men. Our vision for the future is to offer discipleship opportunities year-round in multiple locations! Your support through prayer, finances and/or participation is vital to the growth and sustainability of Transformed Ministry and we couldn’t do it without people coming alongside us!


Become a Financial Partner

Three ways to partner with us:

  1. One time donation

  2. Monthly ongoing support

  3. Sponsorship for a man or men's group

If you would feel more comfortable sending a check through the mail you can mail Transformed a Wilderness Ministry at:

PO Box 204 Graham, TX 76450

If you have any questions please feel free to email us here.



Become a Prayer Partner

If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and one of our team members will get back to you.